
This theme uses normalize-scss.

This theme uses animate.css.

To customize theme styles you can define a configuration map. This will allow you to change all theme variables, along with those of bulma.

Styles config

First you would need to create a config map. For example sass/_config.scss. See all variables

    @use "sass:map";

    $poly-config: (
        font-family: ('Your font', serif),
        primary-color: red,

    $poly-config-dark: $poly-config;

Adding font

To change a preloaded font set font_url and update your $theme-config:("font-family": 'My font', monospace);.


Use theme styles with config

Last step for this template is to use the theme with provided config. For example sass/your-file-name

    @use './config';
    @use '../themes/polymathic/sass/polymathic.scss' with (
        // theme config
        $poly-config: config.$poly-config,
        // bulma variables
        $warning: red,
        $desktop: 1080px

And if customizing, keeping the dark theme.

    @use './config';
    @use '../themes/polymathic/sass/polymathic.scss' with (
        // theme config
        $poly-config: config.$poly-config-dark,

Extending templates

Finally override theme default templates. For example templates/base.html

    {% extends "polymathic/templates/base.html" %}
    {% block page_style %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (prefers-color-scheme: light)" href="{{ get_url(path='your-file-name.css') | safe }}" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)" href="{{ get_url(path='your-file-name-dark.css') | safe }}" />
    {% endblock %}